What is the full form of PDS?

The full form of PDS is “Public Distribution System”. The Public Distribution System (PDS) is a system for the distribution of foodgrains


What is the full form of LDC?

LDC Full Form The full form of LDC is Lower Division Clerk. A Lower Division Clerk (LDC) is a clerical post in Indian Government offices. This post is considered as the first level of clerks in all different types of organization that is run by the government. After completing 3-5 years one can get promoted …

What is the full form of IRS?

In India, IRS stands for Indian Revenue Service. It is the administrative revenue service of the Government of India, established in 1953.


IFS Full Form

The full form of IFS is Indian Forest Service. It is one of the three All India Services of the Government of India.


IAS Full Form

What is the full form of IAS? In India, The full form of IAS is Indian Administrative Service. It is one of the most prestigious and top-rated services and is one of the three arms of the All India Services of the Government of India. Aspiring to be called an IAS officer is a dream …

What is the full form of NCB?

NCB: Narcotics Control Bureau The full form of NCB is Narcotics Control Bureau. It is an apex coordinating and intelligence agency under the Ministry of Home Affairs of India . It aims to fight drug smuggling trafficking and the abuse of illegal substances. It is established in March 1986 under the Section 4 (3) of the …

What is the full form of ASHA?

The full form of ASHA is Accredited Social Health Activist. ASHAs are local women trained to act as health educators and promoters in their communities.


What is the full form of DST?

DST: Department of Science & Technology The full form of DST is Department of Science & Technology. DST is a department within the Ministry of Science and Technology in India. It was established in May 1971 to promote new areas of science and technology in the country and to act as a nodal department for …