EPF and EPFO Full Form

What is the full form of EPF and EPFO? The full form of EPF and EPFO is Employees Provident Fund (EPF) and Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO) respectively. EPF is the main scheme under the Employees Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952. The scheme is managed under the aegis of the Employees’ Provident Fund …

What is the full form of DOC & DOCS?

The full form of DOC and DOCS is Document and Documents respectively. In computing, DOC is a filename extension.


What is the full form of CNG?

The full form of CNG is Compressed Natural Gas. CNG is also known as Green Fuel. It can be used as an alternative to petrol, diesel and propane or LPG (liquefied petroleum gas).


What is the full form of NPR?

NPR: National Population Register In India, The full form of NPR is “National Population Register“. It is a Register of usual residents of the country. It is mandatory for every usual resident of India to register in the National Population Register (NPR). The Union Cabinet on 24 December 2019 approved the proposal to make it …

What is the full form of NRC?

1) NRC: National Register of Citizens The full form of NRC is “National Register of Citizens“. It is a register containing the names of all genuine Indian citizens. At present, only Assam has such a register. This can be extended to other states also. Nagaland is already creating a similar database known as the Register …

What is the full form of CAA?

CAA: Citizenship Amendment Act The full form of CAA is “Citizenship Amendment Act“. CAA is an Act passed by the Parliament of India by amending the Citizenship Act of 1955 to provide citizenship to Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs, Jains, Parsis and Christians who came to India from Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan before 31 December 2014. The …

What is the full form of CAB?

CAB: Citizenship Amendment Bill The full form of CAB is Citizenship Amendment Bill. CAB grants Indian citizenship to to Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs, Jains, Parsis and Christians who came to India from Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan before 31 December 2014. The amendment has been criticized as discriminating on the basis of religion, particularly for excluding Muslims. CAB …


What is the full form of OK?

The full form of OK is Oll Korrect or Olla Kalla. OK is also spelled as okay, ok, or O.K. It is a term used to denote acceptance, agreement, or approval.


What is the full form of CCD?

CCD: CafĂ© Coffee Day The full form of CCD is Cafe Coffee Day. It is a chain of coffee shops in India. It is a subsidiary of Coffee Day Enterprises Limited. Coffee Day serves 1.8 billion cups of coffee annually in six countries. It is the largest producer of arabica beans in Asia, which exports …


What is the full form of AM & PM?

The full form of AM and PM is Ante Meridiem (AM) and Post Meridiem (PM) respectively. Ante Meridiem (AM) means Before noon and Post Meridiem (PM) means Afternoon Noon.
